Free Camping Coloring Pages

Keep the kids entertained with these free Camping Coloring Pages. Download the 27 outdoor-themed pages and print them over and over. Perfect for rainy days out at the campground!

kids coloring pages at a picnic table

More Camping Printables the Kids Will Love 

We are volunteer campground hosts at PJ Hoffmaster State Park in Michigan this month. Meeting other campers and leading crafts and activities has been a lot of fun, but the kids ask for more.

I have several take-and-go activities, including campground-themed crossword puzzles and word searches. I created a photo scavenger hunt that families are doing together. Each participant gets a camping decal for completing.

I put together some camping coloring pages for the younger children to enjoy. Since they have been a popular activity, I am offering them for your kids to color.

2 boys adding color to camping coloring pages

27 Camping Coloring Pages

The free printable pages include camping scenes, RVs, animals, and camp icons. The pages are:

  1. camping emblem with tent
  2. class C motorhome
  3. camper van
  4. travel trailer
  5. vintage camper
  6. 5th wheel
  7. pop-up camper
  8. tent
  9. campfire & trees
  10. cute kid camping
  11. campfire
  12. roasting marshmallow
  13. s’more
  14. backpack
  15. hiker
  16. bear
  17. bunnies
  18. frogs
  19. raccoon & fox
  20. squirrel & hedgehog
  21. bugs & animals
  22. fishing
  23. camping icons
  24. map icons
  25. kids playing
  26. camping background
  27. camping zentangle

27 Camping Free Coloring Pages to Print

It comes as one 27-page pdf, but it is easy to print individual pages. Pages 10, 19, 20, and 27 have been the most popular, so I have printed additional copies.

To print individual pages from a multi-page pdf, click the print button and select Pages under Pages to Print. Enter the page number or numbers separated by a comma and hit print. 

camping animals coloring page being colored

Print on regular copy paper. Use markers, crayons, or colored pencils to add color.

Enter your info at the bottom of the post to access the camping coloring pages pdf. Reach out if you need the packing list in A4 format.

More Free Printables

Free Printable Camping Coloring Book Pages

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  1. Hi Im trying to get the coloring pages download but for some reason it won’t send to me. Was wondering if there was another way to get them. Thanks

  2. Hi, Thanks!
    Love the ideas but the coloring pages link is not working (it takes you to a different Meal Planner template)

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