Pee Like a Guy While Camping Without a Bathroom
Pee like a guy when you are camping or hiking with this female urination system.
Most the time Eric does the posts here on the blog, but today I have a post for all of us females. Especially for those who do not want to go camping because they do not want to deal with outhouses or walking to the bathroom in the middle of the night.
How do I pee while camping without a bathroom?
Can we all agree that men are lucky when it comes to urination?
They do not have to deal with gross toilet seats and they can just find a tree to pee on when they are out in the middle of the woods. Eric often says, “The world is my toilet!”

No, he does not just pee anywhere he wants, but he is known to hose down the tree or two when we are out camping or hiking.
Some might say that is gross or uncivilized, but those people are probably not leading an active outdoor lifestyle.
I am often envious that he can just step a few feet away from our trailer or tent in the middle of the night and relieve himself without having to trudge to a bathroom. I want to stand up and pee like a guy!
Female Urinal
I found an amazing product that allows me to pee wherever I want, whenever I want, so I am no longer envious of males when we are camping without a bathroom.
It is a female urination device. It is a contoured silicone funnel that fits against the vaginal to mimic a penis so you can pee like a guy.
Get your head out the gutter because it is not a sexual thing. It is a functional thing.
There is a great one on the market called Go Girl that is made with a little bit thicker silicone. I sent this to a friend.
I ordered this inexpensive four pack of urination funnels to try out. I call it a Gurinal. girl + urinal
My girl urinals are stored in various locations. One is the trailer and another in our hiking pack.
I was telling my camping buddy that likes to Geocache about this product. She was skeptical, so I ordered her one. She happily reported that it saved her from peeing her pants on a recent cache hunt that had them deep in the woods.
I know you have questions. Well, I have answers.
How do you pee like a guy standing up?
How does it work?
Lower your pants and underwear enough in the front so that you can place the funnel against your vagina. There is no need to drop your drawer all the way!
Does it really work?
Yes, and it is easy to use.
How do I keep from peeing on myself?
Just spread your feet apart and hold it in place and you will stay dry.
Can I use it in an outhouse?
Yes! I actually prefer to stand in use it rather than sit on a nasty porta potty seat.
Does it matter which direction the funnel faces?
I use it in both directions without any issue.
How to Pee at Night without Leaving the Tent
Can I use this inside a tent?
Yes! Use it to pee into a container. I store mine in a 32 oz. food container.
If I have to pee in the middle night, I just use it right there in the trailer or tent and pee into the yogurt cup and then place the lid back on it.
I have also used a soda bottle. The next morning I will empty the container and rinse both it and the funnel out.
How do you wipe after using it?
That is a little trickier. I make sure to have toilet paper in my hand before I start so that I can wipe right away.
When I am out on the trail, I just put the funnel and the used tissue into a zippered sandwich bag after use.
Does it get smelly?
If you leave it in closed container or baggie for a while, it will start to stink.
I wash or rinse mine frequently and often leave it out in the sun to dry.
Is it embarrassing to use?
No! We all have to go, so why not enjoy going? Bears are not the only ones who have to pee in the woods.
I have no problem using it when other people are around.
Will my private parts be visible?
It is not necessary to expose yourself to use this item. It is truly discrete!
Please let me know if you have any other questions about this female urinary device. I will answer them all.
No more need to be scared to go camping without a bathroom! Just pee like a guy with this ladies’ urinal.
Need to get my wife one when we’re riding our motorcycles.We both take riding breaks about once a hour. There isn’t always a bathroom available for her to use. This is a perfect solution for her bathroom hunting.
I’ve had one of these but haven’t used it yet as I’ve been nervous about it not working out and getting urine everywhere. lol. You have given me the courage to try it out! I’ll probably wish I used it sooner.
These can come in handy for more than just camping.
I work in an office that has just one restroom. It’s the unisex, one-person-at-a-time kind. It has a urinal and a stall.
One morning I came in to work and the stall was locked and covered in caution tape. Apparently it wasn’t working and the plumber couldn’t be there until later. But the urinal worked fine.
I have an annoying male coworker who was making jokes about the situation. “Bet you wish you were a guy, huh? Guess you’ll have to hold it! Try not to pee your pants!”
But I was already packed for a camping trip that weekend, so I had my “funnel” in the car, and was successfully able to use the urinal.
The best part, though? After lunch, the annoying male coworker really had to poop, and the boss wouldn’t let him leave because he’d already used all his breaks! I got to use his own jokes on him, it was great.
Love it!
I would love to hear how to get a few of these great ideas!
🙂 I think though all the questions that people have when camping.
I have one and I love it! Great for dirty restrooms and the outdoors. I must admit I have not used it in jeans or long shorts, but swim suits, shorts and dresses it works like a charm. Got sick of canoeing and watching my BF relieve himself while I suffered!! When camping I use a portable toilet with a pop up privacy tent.
Yes! Dirty restrooms too.
I bought one of these about a year ago. I tent camp/hammock camp all the time and peeing outside is never fun, especially when it’s winter. This is a life saver! No more putting boots and coat on to track several hundred feet in the cold to the outhouse or pulling your pants to your ankles to expose all your parts to the cold. My only suggestion is to practice a lot at home first. It does take some time to get used to but once you figure out positioning, it’s so easy! Good luck ladies!
Great tips! Thank you, Karen!
I have one of these, love it! Snowmobiling, hiking, camping , I actually used it while staying at an Airbnb, I had to use a shared bathroom , so one morning the other guest , was in there way to long, and I had no choice but to use it in the bedroom! I know yuk, but saved the day! Lol
Yes! A must for any travel.
I kinda feel awkward about using this. Do you have anything for pooping? Everyone watched me when I go and I feel uncomfortable. Have any suggestions? It is hard or me to pee in public.
I do have a post that I need to put up about staying regular while camping. It is a real issue. I’ll email you!
Could you post a link to the post about staying regular? It’s a problem for me as well.
Anna, I removed that because it was a sponsored post. I’ll add it to my list to rewrite.
Seconding this
Omgee…this is one of the main reason why I don’t want to go camping. I hate using camp ground bathrooms or having to pee outside. We don’t have a point and shoot tool like guys, so having to squat with your whole butt hanging out was never fun. This looks like a game changer.
No need with this thing. LOL! ~Diana 😉