Want to partner with Let’s Camp S’more? our guidelines are below. Please email us for our media kit.

  1. All posts are permanent.
  2. Partnered/sponsored links may be removed and/or replaced at our discretion after one year unless they are renewed.
  3. Partnered/sponsored links that are time-limited (i.e. giveaways, coupons, deals, freebies) may be removed and/or replaced after expiration at my discretion.
  4. All posts are amplified via our social media channels.
  5. All ads and sponsored content are subject to our approval and must be family-friendly.
  6. Per FTC regulations, all partnered/sponsored posts are disclosed. Disclosure language may include “sponsored” or “in partnership with”. Partnered/sponsored social media posts include the hashtag #ad or #sponsored.
  7. All outbound partnered/sponsored links on my site are coded no-follow.
  8. Please see my Disclosure Policy and my Privacy/Cookie Policy.
  9. We do not accept guest posts.
Let's Camp S'mores Media Kit image
updated 1/19/22